Tuesday 12 February 2013


Done packing!! Fuhhh~ Hope tomorrow is a new day and don't tell me that I forget to bring something!! Hanisah told me to get fimiliar easily..... Some of my friends told me to search  for a girlfriend... My mom said that too.... I'm so not gonna do that!! I go to MRSM to study!! Not to be a playboy or whatever it is-lalalala~- My mom also said that MRSM has a laundry room.... wow!! And guess what? I'm sure gonna send my clothes there but in only one condition.... Too much homework!! BTW,I think I'm not gonna update this blogger for a moment..... I wish that we can have another holiday week so I can do some party!! But,things just keep moving foward over and over again!! =.=''

Then I wont saying goodbye to my friends.... Peter Pan quotes got the point there.... Hmmmm.... Let me think what should I say then? Oh oh oh! I think I know what to say to my very special friends.....

Nice..... This is a good way to say when leaving.....XD Dear friends, If someday I miss u or boring or whatever..... I may call someone... Oh! I'm also gonna try my best to get fit!! 

                                          So wacth out!!XP

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