Sunday 10 February 2013


Wohohohoho!My bestfriend(Irsyad) has showed up to my house at 8:30a.m. for a ride by using bikes from Mak Chili to Geliga for the beach that the distance around 20Km!! Although it was a little foggy at that time,but we still countinue our journey to geliga.......                             

Well as can see,to cycle until reached 20Km is a bit tired.... So we take a decision to rest ourselves in the middle of the journey and the place called Taman Persiaran that was place beside a bus station.... fuhhh~ my legs were almost cramp at that time....... Then,Irsyad bike started to make a problem.... The nut loose from paddle and won't stick to the bike.....We doesn't bring any equipment at that time and bike workshop still doesn't open yet at that morning and then we have to walk while push the bike beside us..... after a few minutes later,it started a heavy downpour and we have to find shelter for not getting wet or else we gonna catch a cold.... guess what happen then?We found a miracle that a tool to tightened the nut!! Ha3..... Man it's funny! After that,we countinue our journey back after the heavy downpour until we reached the beach!!

Reached the beach baby!! Oh yeah!! Mission accomplished! When we on the way back home,I used Irsyad bike.....there a dog chasing me and guess what? The padle did it again and I almost get bitten by that ugly sh*t dog! Luckily I made a dangerous action by crossing to the next line of the road while a car drives fast in front of me.... Then,we manage to get away from the dog after it was afraid to get knock out by the car.... Oh BTW,darn the sh*t dog  owner.... He just looking at me while I was chasing by his dog.... F*ck it!!! We rested ourselves at Rakan Muda place for a helped to tightened the nut again.... Two man came to us for a helped and fix that idiot problem...... we thanks the guys and get home by using a new road  through Binjai,where irsyad lives and I get home by myself after I took irsyad home.... 

This journey was fun!! Let's do it again shall we? Ha3!


  1. bukan ke basikal irsyad baru?cmne rosak dh?hahaha.sian irsyad

    1. Entah....Iryad marah rapat kat cina yg jual basikal tu....ha3..XP
