Wednesday 27 March 2013


Being in QBER is fun....Honestly...I thought that school was bored but hey?It awesome!!Im kindda shy in the first place but when I met my homeroom....I feel like they r my family here that I can shared my tear n happiness with....The Al-Jarier 4,that's the name of my homeroom...n guess who our Mama is?Mrs Ernie Syahida bt Mohd Kamal....She is 26 years old and she like a mother to me...ha3 XD....If there are any activities that been held in our school,this is the family where I spend most of my activities with and I love them so much especially the girls....for the boys..I cant love them...people will say that Im gay...ha3 XP....Ok those guys are like brother n sister to me.....I wish we gonna make a history for the best homeroom of the year!!
                              GO AL-JARIER4 GO!!

Tuesday 12 February 2013


Done packing!! Fuhhh~ Hope tomorrow is a new day and don't tell me that I forget to bring something!! Hanisah told me to get fimiliar easily..... Some of my friends told me to search  for a girlfriend... My mom said that too.... I'm so not gonna do that!! I go to MRSM to study!! Not to be a playboy or whatever it is-lalalala~- My mom also said that MRSM has a laundry room.... wow!! And guess what? I'm sure gonna send my clothes there but in only one condition.... Too much homework!! BTW,I think I'm not gonna update this blogger for a moment..... I wish that we can have another holiday week so I can do some party!! But,things just keep moving foward over and over again!! =.=''

Then I wont saying goodbye to my friends.... Peter Pan quotes got the point there.... Hmmmm.... Let me think what should I say then? Oh oh oh! I think I know what to say to my very special friends.....

Nice..... This is a good way to say when leaving.....XD Dear friends, If someday I miss u or boring or whatever..... I may call someone... Oh! I'm also gonna try my best to get fit!! 

                                          So wacth out!!XP


A day left?Ok now I'm really getting on my nerve..... Man!! I want to enjoy more.... And guess what? Todays plan is nothing... Don't have any plan for today..... Just hangout with my family.... that's all... But I really do miss my friends.... cuz I always have they arms around me to warm me up..... To my precious friends so long and I'll miss u...... XP

Monday 11 February 2013


Agrhhh!! What happen all of the sudden? I can't go to BBQ cuz im not packing my stuff yet? Fuhhh..... Calm down man.. Things just not working out that's all.. Sorry mates,I can't be there to have fun with u guys before I leave..... We may can't contact each other when I'm leaving...... But I do remember this... Although I have to start a new journey... Or maybe it has already begun.... But we share a same sky.... One sky,one destiny.... 

And although me may not meet each other after this but remember that our hearts still keeping the fresh memories together..he3 :)


Ok?2 days to go and I'm nervous rite now..... Going there is not easy as cake u know? It take a thousand miles for somebody to get used to a new place.... hmmmm.... What's today plan.... Let me think.... Oh yes!! Having a BBQ party *screaming* with friend at Kijal beach! Yes! My mom has sponsor RM30 for the party... weeeeee..... 

Wish me for a great day today!

Sunday 10 February 2013


Wohohohoho!My bestfriend(Irsyad) has showed up to my house at 8:30a.m. for a ride by using bikes from Mak Chili to Geliga for the beach that the distance around 20Km!! Although it was a little foggy at that time,but we still countinue our journey to geliga.......                             

Well as can see,to cycle until reached 20Km is a bit tired.... So we take a decision to rest ourselves in the middle of the journey and the place called Taman Persiaran that was place beside a bus station.... fuhhh~ my legs were almost cramp at that time....... Then,Irsyad bike started to make a problem.... The nut loose from paddle and won't stick to the bike.....We doesn't bring any equipment at that time and bike workshop still doesn't open yet at that morning and then we have to walk while push the bike beside us..... after a few minutes later,it started a heavy downpour and we have to find shelter for not getting wet or else we gonna catch a cold.... guess what happen then?We found a miracle that a tool to tightened the nut!! Ha3..... Man it's funny! After that,we countinue our journey back after the heavy downpour until we reached the beach!!

Reached the beach baby!! Oh yeah!! Mission accomplished! When we on the way back home,I used Irsyad bike.....there a dog chasing me and guess what? The padle did it again and I almost get bitten by that ugly sh*t dog! Luckily I made a dangerous action by crossing to the next line of the road while a car drives fast in front of me.... Then,we manage to get away from the dog after it was afraid to get knock out by the car.... Oh BTW,darn the sh*t dog  owner.... He just looking at me while I was chasing by his dog.... F*ck it!!! We rested ourselves at Rakan Muda place for a helped to tightened the nut again.... Two man came to us for a helped and fix that idiot problem...... we thanks the guys and get home by using a new road  through Binjai,where irsyad lives and I get home by myself after I took irsyad home.... 

This journey was fun!! Let's do it again shall we? Ha3!


Dafuq?!3 days to go and I'm leaving Kemaman?Nooooo! huh~ A man gonna do what a man gonna do.... Time still running and today plans are hangout with my bestfriend and tidy up my beg to go there.... hope today is a good day again.... I want to enjoy myself until the very end! Oh.... I also wanna put someone smile on a face today.... It been too long that I have'nt see her smile with me..... I just miss that part very much.... Please smile for me..... Ok!!off for the plans now!! XD

Saturday 9 February 2013


Fuhhh~Today is a good day!I woke up early in the morning n cycling around my hometown alone....Then,i went to my friend's house and we played table tenis for about an hour and then we went to my another friend's house to celebrate her sister marriage.... Congrats!!wow! Things just getting too awesome!! Then I'm went to the Mall for a shopping before going to MRSM.....Besides,I got 4 days left to be prepared for going to that haunted mansion... ha3...

       BTW,wish me luck for easily to get fimiliar in MRSM!!

Friday 8 February 2013


My favourie heavy metal band!!AWWW!!Man!Their songs make me addicted to hear over n over again.....I do love their video clip too....Most of the clip look real with the melody of the songs....The sad,mad and hate part seem to be perfect with the melody and the clip XD....One of my friends is a biggest fan of Avenged Sevenfold band....He just like crazy if we talk about the band.....I bet he also had all the collections of the band songs.....Dead by April  is an old heavy metal none of my friends recognize them....Only me who recognize them among all my friends....


Oh!!An anime guy with a scythe is so stylo!!wow!!07-Ghost has an anime guy that wear a scythe to fight!!If i have a comic about the main character wearing a scythe....I'll keep the comic in the safety place........XD



OH GOD...=.=''..It's hard for me to say that I'm a little bit Otaku!I did'nt realize that I'm an Otaku at the first place but i do know much about almost all anime story.....They just stuck in my head that's all...Then an Otaku said that I'm an Otaku too.....But hey,if I'm an Otaku nothing will happen....I'll be the apple of someone that share the same interest with me.....BTW,although the anime doesn't exist but at least I learn alot from them about how the world works! Seriously,wacthing anime is fun they just acting like real!!WOW!!... unlike drama... they sucks... totally sucks..=.=''...they act sometimes....wait not sometimes but always like doesn't real at all!! Anime make me feel strong and gave me spirit to move on!!
                                    Yeah Baby Yeah!!

Wednesday 6 February 2013


DAFUQ?MRSM KUALA BERANG have one elective subject title ''technical and robotic!!''...ok I get it now....they choose the students that have a talent in robotic n that's y they choose me....boy oh boy..I'm sure gonna loves that school very much!!Gonna upgrade myself to be a king!!I'm gonna make myself pro in this subject cuz im addict to robotic!!GO bro GO!!


BOOM!!MRSM results have been issued!!N guess what?!My name was listed in MRSM KUALA BERANG result!!I'm not interested at the first place=.=''...but then,my classmates gave me a spirit to take a chance studied to the next level!!And now,I'm fired up!!But....I'll miss u guys here when I'm leaving.... seriously,I've been thinking about it lately...if i go there,im sure miss     to laugh,smile,say ''YO!",go on for adventure n to argue with u guys....Hey!what the heck am I thinking.....think positive man!!Oh BTW guys....thanks for the memories of 3 n 4Cemerai.....